2. Headers


The base URLs, depending on HARICA’s environment, are the following:

You can find every JSON that is required in each POST request as well as their acceptable key-value pairs in the HARICA - API Documentation Swagger website.

To submit a POST request to our server, you must ensure that the headers fields “RequestVerificationToken", "Cookie" and "Authorization" are properly filled in with the necessary information.

For the RequestVerificationToken header you have to issue a GET request to the appropriate environment (dev/stg/production) and enter the value from the input tag named __RequestVerificationToken of the returned html code.

In the Cookie header type in the phrase HARICA= and then the same value as RequestVerificationToken.

The Authorization header accepts the JSON web token that is returned when you log in to your account in CertManager. For more information about logging in you should consult the documentation for “Register and Log In”.